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Blog Core Plastic Surgery

Considering a Nose Job?

Dr. Grady Core is the premier plastic surgeon for a nose job in the Birmingham, Alabama area. Also known as a rhinoplasty, a nose job can dramatically improve both the appearance and function of your nose.

Rhinoplasty is often sought by patients who would like to correct the appearance of their nose by reshaping and contouring the nose to achieve better facial proportions. However, if you are experiencing functional nasal issues such as deviated septum or difficulty breathing, a septoplasty or rhinoplasty can help correct this medically necessary condition as well. In surgical cases that involve an improved ability to function and breathe – your health insurance may cover a portion or all of your procedure. Typically, rhinoplasty surgery conducted for cosmetic reasons is not reimbursed by health insurance.

A rhinoplasty is normally performed under anesthesia, in our office, and takes no more than two hours to complete. Your incisions will be made under the nose, preventing the formation of visible scars. After surgery you should expect significant swelling and bruising around your nose and maybe even under your eyes.

Following your surgery you will be required to wear a splint for several days, as well as nasal pads to pack your nose. This packing prevents bleeding and helps your nose maintain its new shape. You should plan to take about one week away from work during your recovery from a rhinoplasty. While the swelling and bruising will subside by this point, you may not see the full results of your procedure for several weeks after recovery.

If you live in Birmingham, Alabama or the surrounding area and are considering rhinoplasty or septoplasty, contact our office today.

We are happy to answer any questions you may have and get you on your way to beautiful, natural-looking results. Contact us.

3595 Grandview Parkway, #150, Birmingham, AL 35243

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