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Improve Your Appearance More Naturally with a Breast Lift

Breast surgery is one of the most common elective surgeries performed in the United States each year. While breast augmentations remain the most popular of breast surgeries, the breast lift is growing in popularity. In fact, breast lifts are growing in popularity more quickly than breast augmentation surgeries.

Also known as a mastopexy, a breast lift raises and reshapes breasts that may have begun to sag. If your breasts have lost their youthful appearance and firmness due to age or life changes, such as breast-feeding perhaps you should consider a breast lift.

A breast lift is performed in-office, relatively quickly. Excess skin is removed from around your breasts in order to tighten their appearance. It is important to realize that a breast lift will not enlarge the size of your breasts but can dramatically improve your appearance – making you look younger and more vibrant.

Many women visit Dr. Grady Core seeking a breast lift in order to change the appearance of their breasts, but achieve a more natural look than that offered by a breast augmentation procedure. It is recommended that you not undergo a breast lift surgery until after your childbearing and breastfeeding activities are concluded. This will guarantee longer lasting results.

Dr. Core performs a vertical mastopexy, which means there will only be one scar, vertically from the nipple down into the fold underneath the breast. If necessary, your nipple and areola can be repositioned and sized to a more appropriate, but natural shape. Your breasts will be reshaped and rejuvenated, all without the need for implants.

If you would like more information on breast lift surgery, or if you would like to schedule a consultation with Dr. Grady Core, please contact Core Plastic Surgery.

We are happy to answer any questions you may have and get you on your way to beautiful, natural-looking results. Contact us.

3595 Grandview Parkway, #150, Birmingham, AL 35243

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