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Blog Core Plastic Surgery

Pair Your Facelift with Neck Lift for Beautiful Results

The face is one of the first areas of the body to become affected by gravity and to show your true age. In addition to the face, the neck and skin around it can begin to sag due to age and gravity.

Patients who visit Dr. Grady Core’s office for a facelift are often interested in achieving spectacular results that will make them look at least ten years younger. This is possible for many patients, however depending on your unique situation, Dr. Core may advise a combination of procedures to achieve optimal results.

Don’t let your facelift’s beautiful and impressive results stop at your chin. A facelift is effective at tightening the skin of your forehead, cheeks and around your eyes and is very successful at making you look younger than ever. However, when the neck is left unaddressed, you may find yourself feeling only halfway restored.

A neck lift, especially when paired with a facelift, is a relatively quick procedure. The incisions are very small and the results are impressive. When you combine procedures you will not only see amplified cosmetic results but will also save time and money in recovery and surgical fees.

Contact Dr. Grady Core today to learn more about how combining a neck and facelift can make you look decades younger.

We are happy to answer any questions you may have and get you on your way to beautiful, natural-looking results. Contact us.

3595 Grandview Parkway, #150, Birmingham, AL 35243

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